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ChemDraw Beta 21.0 Portal
Created by Mike Rowley
Created on Dec 7, 2021

License expiry

My license to the beta has expired. Will it be extended? Will there be beta2? is the beta testing over? (or is it just me and everyone else has been asked to continue:) )

  • Attach files
  • Gareth Rowlands
    Dec 11, 2021

    Mike, I can't give you the official answer but my previous experience with the beta testing is that it is over and that there is normally only one beta testing period for each release ... unless I'm in a similar position to you and have never been invited to the second beta stage!

    I never got asked about configuration files so can't help there.

  • Mike Rowley
    Dec 8, 2021

    And when i do use it with the trial period, each time I launch it it is asking where I want my Chemdrwaw Configuration files even though they are already there