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ChemDraw Beta 21.0 Portal
Created by Junming He
Created on Nov 7, 2021

Character Map

The current Character Map on Chemdraw (picture 4) (View > Show Character Map Window) is an imitation of the symbols on MSWord(font: symbol. picture 5). Can we get a character map window that is relevant/ customised for chemists and chemistry students. Because the current character map includes blank square 'symbols' at the top two rows.

  • Attach files
  • Junming He
    Nov 10, 2021

    'downwards' arrow is one I've also been using to represent cleavage sites of P1-P1', so maybe include the other directional arrows too

  • Gareth Rowlands
    Nov 10, 2021

    To be honest, those are the main ones. Hiding in my 'frequently used' menu are also:

    tick and cross

    arrows (left, right, doublehead, equilibrium and the vertical version some of us old folk use to represent 'reflux' ⥯)

    identical to ≡ (for triple bond)

  • Junming He
    Nov 9, 2021

    I've drawn out a table of common symbols I've seen/ used in chemistry lectures and publications so far (screenshot 1)

  • Admin
    Pierre Morieux
    Nov 9, 2021

    Can we use this opportunity to do a collective brain dump of what the important symbols are?

    I'll start:

    ° (degree sign)

    Greek alphabet, lower and upper case

    Angstrom symbol

