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ChemDraw Beta 21.0 Portal
Created by Nessa Carson
Created on Nov 11, 2021

Change default StyleSheet

Just a suggestion: I've heard a few academics gripe that undergrads new to using ChemDraw use the default stylesheet, which some people think is as aesthetically pleasing as eg: the ACS Document 1996 stylesheet. I personally use one made by Paul Docherty who used to have a blog called Totally Synthetic. I can't attach it but if you want inspiration, it's the top link if you click "ChemDraw Tools" on this page!

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  • Stéphane Mons
    Nov 16, 2021

    I agree. The default stylesheet is hideous.

    Bonds are too long, text is too small. It is as painful to read as double-spaced text.

  • Junming He
    Nov 11, 2021

    I would like ChemDraw to keep the user's preferred default stylesheet setting. I prefer ACS Document 1996 Sheetstyle and everytime I open a new ChemDraw document I have to manually change it.