At the moment there is shortcut for rotating a molecule 180° vertically or horizontally (cmd+shift+v or cmd+shift+h) and this nicely takes care of stereochemistry. But frequently I find myself either wanting to show the enantiomer or just using bold bonds to give a forced-percepective on a molecule and wanting to alter the orientation. Using the shortcut retains stereochemstry (or converts all bold lines to dashed lines). Obviously, this is avoided by flipping the drawing, but this is only possible using a menu or toolbar option (and I'm pretty sure in the old days the shortcut combination was actually for flipping not rotating as I seem to have muscle memory to use that combination).
Basically could there be another combination that flips the drawing and leaves bold or dashed lines alone?
Makes sense ;)
Never know what I should or shouldn't comment on.
This is indeed the old behavior. We decided to make the 180° rotation available through a shortcut and leave the "mirror flip" operation only accessible in a menu. The benefit being that now the Cmd+Shift+Option+H/V is accessible to distribute horizontally or vertically. That was a bigger user request than the "Mirror Flip".