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ChemDraw Beta 21.0 Portal

ChemDraw Beta 21.0

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Is it just me?

I don't get ChemOffice+ What is it for? I can put Chemdraw and Word files into it (but not various other file types it seems). But then what? I can send structures to Signals but I can copy and paste from Chemdraw into there, or draw them in Signa...
Mike Rowley about 3 years ago in  2

Search or Add-Ins

Most of the options under the "Search" menu item are "Browse..." however there is a "Search SciFinder..." is this any different from the "Search SciFindern" from the "Add-Ins" menu item?
Chris Swain about 3 years ago in  1

Folder for applescripts

Just thought I'd mention that the folder to store applescripts is username:Library:Application Support:com.perkinelmer.ChemDraw:Scripts. The User Library folder is hidden by default but can be viewed from the Finder of Mac OS, pull down the “Go” m...
Chris Swain about 3 years ago in  2

M1 Macs

I just thought I'd mention I'm testing the latest beta on an M1 MacBook Pro under macOS 12.1 and so far there have been no issues :-)
Chris Swain about 3 years ago in  0

Suggestion for TLC plate tool

Returning to my obsession with alignment, but it would be useful if you could align text with the spots on a TLC plate not just aligning to the plate itself (see picture). Not important but useful.
Gareth Rowlands about 3 years ago in  0

The "j, j" and "J, J" ligand hotkeys nuances.

Mac OS Big Sur v11.6 I at first reported that this shortcut does not work on the Mac--at least after trying a number of times. I then discovered that you need to hover the selection tool over the Fe until you see the green "hotspot" dot. Then type...
Linda Press about 3 years ago in  0

There are two SciFinders in the "Add-on" search options.

Mac OS Big Sur v11.6 Question: In the “search” Add-ins, there are two for SciFinder. The one immediately to the right of Reaxys has no icon or picture of the structure in the window. The second one has the SciFinder-CAS logo, and a picture of the ...
Linda Press about 3 years ago in  0

Tool selections revert to defaults once application is closed.

Mac OS Big Sur v11.6 Tools revert to default settings when application is closed and then reopened. For example, in sub-menus, choose medium-headed arrow, dark sphere in orbitals, and plain line in drawing elements. Work on a document. Close and r...
Linda Press about 3 years ago in  0

Mac OS: Multiple Icons Appear in Dock

Mac OS Big Sur v11.6 In the dock, up to three icons appear for the ChemDraw app, only one is active but why are there more than the active one? The 2nd and third icons appear as additional files are opened.
Linda Press about 3 years ago in  0

Mac OS Hotspot Behavior

Mac OS Big Sur v11.6 Hold down Shift+Option+Arrow to move hotspot from one structure to the next.
Linda Press about 3 years ago in  0