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ChemDraw Beta 21.0 Portal

ChemDraw Beta 21.0

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Moving text and objects from one document to another.

Mac OS Big Sur v11.6 Text boxes change shape when dragged and dropped from one document to another. See attached file.
Linda Press about 3 years ago in  0

T/B Centers Alignment Options

Object / Align / T/B Centers: no shortrcut keys; seems odd becasue all other options have shorrtcut keys. (I realize there is an icon in the object tool bar too, but keyboard shortcuts are great.)
Linda Press about 3 years ago in  2

Copying from a multipage document

Copying items from a multipage document to a new single page document is confusing and inconsistent. The attached movie shows the creation of a 3 page document followed by creating a structure on page 3. The structure is then copied. Moving to pag...
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  0

Mass Fragmentation Tool Fragment left pointing OH but not O–H

nIWhen using the Mass Fragmentation Tool I found a bug where cutting at the alcohol gives an incorrect result. To reproduce the issue, Draw 1-hexanol where the alcohol is on the left. Use the fragment tool to cut the O–C bond fragments of 72 and 1...
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  0

Formula with invalid Valence?

I get the error "atom with invalid valence" for this formula. I typed the formula in a text box and then used cmd-F to confert to a formula and the error occured. As you can see from the drawn stucture with analysis the formula is valid.
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  0

Bond angle when adding bonds

When adding bonds to chains and cyclohexanes, bad bond angles are drawn and or unexpected behaviors results when the "point" of the stucture is down. You can see the results in the MainChain.jpeg where the red arrows point to the poorly draw bonds...
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  1

Hotspot drawing

I have noted inconsistent behavior as I add various bonds and it is especially evident when I draw spirocycles. Note, I do not extensively use key commands to draw these. The problem is evident when using the mouse, you cannot move around in the h...
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  0

Saving Chemdraw file-duplicate extension added

When I save an untitled file, two cdxml extensions are added to the file name. To reproduce. Open a new chemdraw document, draw something, click the red dot in window bar to close the window, dialog appears with name highlighted, press the delete ...
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  0

3D cleanup on perspective drawings of chair conformations is poor

Drawing chair and decalin structures and cleaning them up in 3D is inconsistent and is not handled well.
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  0

3D cleanup of CP or benzene rings on a metal does not seem to work on my mac

3D cleanup of CP or benzene rings on a metal does not seem to work on my mac like it does in your video
Brian Myers about 3 years ago in  0 Planned